Incorrect holiday pay code applied to employees timesheet when holiday schedule is published up to Enterprise ERP version 2019

Description of Issue

When publishing a holiday schedule the wrong pay code is applied to the employee

  • Time and Attendance
  • Enterprise ERP version up to 2019.1

The employee does not have the correct holiday pay code assigned in Enterprise ERP Employee Job/Salary and therefore the pay that populates in Time and Attendance is whatever is defined as the default in UI Environment Flags


Add the correct pay code to the employee in Enterprise ERP Employee Job/Salary

Munis > Tyler Menu > Human Resources/Payroll > Payroll > Employee Maintenance > Employee Job/Salary >

  1. Click Search to locate the correct employee
  2. Click Add 
  3. Click on the Field Help next to the Pay Code 
  4. Select the correct Holiday pay code
  5. Click Accept