What report can be used for the FOI Act Request

Description of Issue

What report will give me the information requested for the FOI Act Request

  • Payroll

  • Employee Inquiry

  • Accumulators Report


Report needed to include Employee Name, Position Title, Status, Pay history for base pay, OT and Bonus pay codes. 


There isn't a canned report that would provide all of the requested information for the FOI Act.  The information can be pulled from various areas and be combined in an Excel report.

  1.  Employee Inquiry Program an be used to export Employee Name, Position Title, and Status.

    1. Go to Employee Inquiry (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Inquiry)

    2. Click Search. Define applicable fields to pull up needed find set. (For Example, Status of A-Active) Click Accept. 

    3. Click Excel in the toolbar. 

    4. Choose Full Report. 

    5. Export filter will display. Check the fields needed then click Accept. 

  2. Accumulators Report can be used to export information on pay, overtime, and bonus information.

    1. Go to Accumulators Report (Payroll>Employee History>Accumulators Report)

    2. Click Search. Define applicable fields. (Example, Year 2022, Pays needed (100|200|600 etc.). 

    3. This report can also be exported to Excel. 

Both programs allow information to be exported to an Excel report that can be combined to form a complete report.

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