How to Change User Name in Munis

Description of Issue

A user went through a name change or their username has changed for other reasons. Munis User Attributes needs to be updated to reflect the new username. 

  • Munis
  • System Admin
  • Security 
  • User Attributes
  • Cloud Admin

User IDs cannot be edited after being added to Munis User Attributes. A new user needs to be created.



  • SaaS Clients:
    • Create new user in Cloud Admin with updated username - OR - 
    • Contact TSM SaaS Support to update the existing account in the Datacenter Active Directory domain
  • OnPrem Clients:
    • Update name and username in Active Directory or create a new Active Directory account

Create New User in Munis

  1. Log into Munis with an account that has System Administration access
  2. Open User Attributes (System Administration > Security > User Attributes)
  3. Create the new user manually, or by using the LDAP Sync tool
  4. Use Move User History to copy history from the old username to the new username: Move User History in Munis
  5. When ready to release the new account for use, on the toolbar click Update to change user account status from Disabled to Enabled
    1. On the old account, change user account status from Enabled to Disabled
    2. SaaS Clients: Disable old user ID in both Munis and Cloud Admin
Additional Information