MUNIS role does not have menu access

MUNIS role does not have menu access

Description of Issue

When logging in to Munis the site is not receiving a Tyler Menu, and recent programs are showing the message Access denied due to program security established by the system administrator

  • Munis
  • Roles
  • Tyler Menu

The Menu Access column on the Munis role shows NO for each module

  1. Open Munis through the GDC on the client's application server
  2. Go to the Tyler Menu and open the Menu Settings program
    1. Select Mass Update
      1. Menu Entry Options
        1. Select Update and Allow Access on the same line (allow access is selected after 3.b)
      2. Role Access Options
        1. Select Grant Access To Selected Roles
        2. Select the MUNIS role from the list below
    2. Click Accept
    3. Click the Base Menu Settings option
    4. Select Menu Update
    5. Click Yes on the Force Menu Update box
  3. Open the Roles program
    1. Find the MUNIS role
    2. Select the Menu Security tab to verify that the Menu Access column says Yes for each type
  4. Log in to the Munis environment to verify the menu is showing