Generate a Report from Adjustment Inquiry
Need a report of bill adjustments.
Bill Detail Adjustments (txbldtmt)
Adjustment Inquiry (aradjinq)
A report of adjustments is desired.
Navigate to the Adjustment Inquiry program either by searching or using the following path: Property Revenues > Accounts Receivable > Inquiries and Reports > Adjustment Inquiry
Click Search.
Fill out the necessary fields to select the records for the report. Recommended fields are Year, Category, Created by Program, and Entry or Effective Date (Note: Full field descriptions are available by clicking the question mark icon in the upper right corner and then selecting help from the dropdown.)
Click Accept.
Click Excel.
Choose either Group By Charge or Group By Installment to sort the data on the Excel spreadsheet.
Click Accept.
Check the desired fields to export to Excel.
When the desired fields are selected, click Accept.
An Excel report of the selected adjustments will generate and download.
If further assistance is required, please contact the appropriate support team based on the adjustments that need to be reported.