How to import or export CM permission settings using the Table Export and Table Import Utility

Description of Issue

This documentation will walk through the process of exporting and importing CM permission settings from the CM Full Client

How to import/export CM permission settings using the Table Export and Table Import Utility

  • Content Manager 
  • CM
  • Content Manager Core 
  • CM Full Client 

Sites may wish to export their CM permissions from one environment and import those into another CM environment, or simply just export the permission settings for reporting/larger scale viewing purposes

  1. On the designated server/workstation being used, create a folder to store the permission files into
  2. Log into the CM Full Client with administrative rights. If you are not familiar with how to do this, please refer to How to Access and Launch the TCM Full Client
  3. To export the permissions: 
    1. Click the Utilities tab 
    2. Select Table Export 
    3. Switch the Table Type to Users, Groups, Resources, Permissions 
    4. Shift/click on the four tables under the security folder in the Table Names panel 
    5. Select Export Directory and find the designated folder previously created to store the exported settings to 
    6. Click Export 
  4. To import the permissions (most commonly this would be in a separate CM environment): 
    1. Navigate back to the Utilities tab
    2. Select Table Import 
    3. Unless files were modified and saved, keep the Delimiter tab set to Tab
    4. Under the Import File tab, select the designated folder previously used to export the permission settings 
    5. Leave the Table Type set to Default 
    6. Only check off the Overwrite Existing Rows setting if you wish to overwrite the permissions settings that already exist in that environment 
    7. Select Import Table 
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