Searches by street name does not return any Real Estate records in Citizen Self Service
When searching by the street name, no real estate records are returned.
Citizen Self Service
Real Estate
Web Services
Development added a subsequent screen to real estate searches for performance. If the CSS user does not have access to that web service that the new screen uses, no records are returned.
Navigate to System Admin > General Admin > Web Services
Click the Private Services button on the right side of the screen
Select the Service View tab
Locate txwsbrow_getParcelsForSreet and click the webservice
From the Users without privileges to the current private web service box, select Access
From the list of records locate and select wsuser (self hosted) or XXXXweb (SaaS)
Press the Add > button to move the username to Users with privileges to the current private web service box
Select Accept
Select the Return Button to go back to the webservices screen
Select the Generate WSDLs button from the right side of the screen
Select All Modules radial from the prompt
Select Accept