Tyler Content Manager Server Connection Warning Tyler Content web service call encountered - DOCXXXXX could not be locked for update

Description of Issue
  • User gets a TCM error when attempting to Output-post a Personnel Action 

  • Tyler Content Manager Server Connection Warning: Tyler Content web service call encountered: Method 'putDocuments2' throws: tyler.empire.document.DocumentException: DOCXXXXX could not be locked for update.

  • Enterprise ERP

  • EERP

  • Personnel Actions Entry

  • Tyler Content Manager 

  • TCM


This is assumed to be triggering because the system believes the user to be accessing the TCM Viewer at the time of the Output-Post


Development advises that users should get in the habit of closing out of the TCM viewer prior to performing the post.

  1. Sign out of Munis

  2. Clear browser cache

  3. Restart your PC

  4. Remain out of Munis for upwards to 20 minutes to allow the database to recognize

  5. Sign back into Munis and re-attempt the post

Additional Information