Errors filtering and adding labor to work order in Field Sheet App - Due to no employee number listed in User Attributes

Description of Issue

Adding labor to a work order in the Field Sheet app produces an error:

  • Error adding time Error uploading time: Server Response: Error fetching user's employee information. 

  • Error adding time Error uploading time: Server response: Error executing selectUserData

Receiving an error when filtering work orders by Assigned to Me in the Field Sheet app:

  • Invalid Assignee. User must have a valid employee record and be added to a Servicing Department via the Crew and Labor Program.

  • Enterprise Asset Maintenance 

  • EAM 


In User Attributes, user record is missing an employee number


Add an employee number to the user:

  1. Navigate to System Administration > Security > User Attributes

  2. Search for user

  3. Click Update

  4. Enter employee number or select employee number using field help in the Munis employee no. field

  5. Click Accept 

Additional Information

MUN-451212 has been created to eliminate the need to have an employee number populated in order to add labor in the Field Sheet app