Salary Rate Changes did not post over from Personnel Actions

Description of Issue
  • After posting a Personnel Action for a salary change, the employee's Job Salary record does not show the new rate changes

  • Changes were shown within a Personnel Action, but they did not post to live 

  • Munis

  • Human Capital Management 

  • Personnel Actions

  • Employee Job/Salary 

  • Adding an action will copy information from another action if one exists for that employee

  • Multiple actions existed at once, which caused the new/changed information to display in the newer action, even though the change/audit trail is contained in the older action

  • The older action was deleted, and the newer action was posted

  1. Access Munis > Human Capital Management > Human Resources > Personnel Actions > Personnel Actions Entry 

  2. Click Add to create a new Personnel Action

  3. Define the Employee Number and appropriate fields for a salary change

  4. Select Details > Employee Pay

  5. Adjust the Pending Employee Job/Salary Record with new rates

  6. Complete final steps and select Output-Post to review Proof and post changes

Additional Information
  • When posting Personnel Actions Munis will only apply changes made within that action

  • Since the changes were made in a prior action that has since been deleted, the changes are lost, and they will not show in the proof created from posting

  • Munis provides a warning when deleting an action if there are other actions present

  • Please reach out to Munis Human Resources Support with any follow up questions