Employee and Employer HSA Deductions on W-2s
Employee and Employer HSA Deductions on W-2s
Description of Issue
Do we need to define the Employer and Employee Paid HSA deductions in the W-2 wizard?
- Munis
- W-2 and 1099-R Processing
- W-2 Wizard
If using the Wizard:
- Go to W-2 Wizard. (Payroll>W-2 and 1099-R Processing>W-2 Wizard)
- Click on 3. Create in the toolbar.
- Click on the Health Savings/Box 14 tab.
The screen asks, Do you need to report Health Savings Account amounts from a cafeteria plan?
If yes, enter the deduction code or range of deduction codes assigned used for cafeteria plan health savings accounts.
In the deduction ranges box, define the deduction(s) ranges for both employee and employer HSA deductions.
If going into the Create W-2 and 1099-R Records:
- Go to Create W-2 and 1099-R Records (Payroll>W-2 and 1099-R Processing>Create W-2 and 1099-R Records)
- Click Define. Enter the year. Click Accept.
- Click Define. In the Cafeteria Plan Deductions box, define the employee and employer HSA deductions.
Additional Information
, multiple selections available,
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