HSA deduction with no taken amount in payroll
HSA deduction with no taken amount in payroll
Description of Issue
I have an HSA direct deposit deduction that is not showing the pay code amount.
- Munis
- Deduction and Benefit Master
- Payroll Exceptions
- Payroll Start and Status
- Earnings and Deductions
A deduction must have a deduction gross amount to be Taken in payroll.
- Go to the Payroll Exceptions Program. (Human Resources/Payroll>Payroll>Payroll Setup>Deduction and Benefit Master. Click Search. Enter deduction code. Click Accept. Click Exceptions in the menu.)
- Find record with Processing Code of 1-All Pay Types are Included Except and click Update.
- TAB down to the Exclusion Ranges and modify the ranges to include the corresponding HSA pay types. Click Accept.
- Do steps 2 & 3 if there are other HSA deductions to adjust.
- Go into the Earnings and Deductions in the Payroll. (Human Resources/Payroll>Payroll>Payroll Processing>Payroll Start and Status. Click Search. Enter Warrant. Click Accept. Click Change in the Menu. Click Earnings and Deductions)
- Click Search. Click Accept. To pull up all employees in payroll.
- Click Global in the Menu.
- Click Recalc ALL Employees in the active set.
- This will recalculate the deduction grosses for all employees and all deductions based on the exceptions.
The HSA deduction did not have a deduction gross amount. The deduction was setup with exclusions for all pay types.
Additional Information