Locked Payments Journal Batch 2017.1+

Description of Issue

Locked Batch

Cannot select batch

Batch locked for posting

Locked Payments Journal Batches

  • Munis
  • Payment Entry
  • Payments Journal
  • 2017.1 and Above

The user who is locking the batch or batches will need to open the Payments Journal program.

  1. Navigate to General Revenues>Payment Processing>Payments Journal or Property Revenues>Payment Processing>Payments Journal depending on if this is a General Billing or Utility Billing payment batch
  2. Click Search
  3. Click Accept, user may encounter a batch selection error prompt and if so click OK
  4. Click Batches
  5. Click Update
  6. Click Select None
  7. Click Accept
  8. A batch selection prompt will show, click OK
  9. Click Back to close out of Payments Journal

If Munis is still showing batch selection locks for users, please contact Munis Support.


There are a few reasons for Locked Batches in Munis but this is by design to protect sites financial data from corruption.

  • Multiple users are trying to access the same batch from different programs
  • Server connectivity
  • In newer versions of Munis 2017.1 and beyond, users may search and select a number of batches which locks them in the system for posting. If the user leaves their desk or closes out of Munis abruptly, this will lock the batches.
Additional Information