Box 14 Code Z description cannot be changed

Box 14 Code Z description cannot be changed

Description of Issue

Munis is not allowing us to change the Box 14 code Z description when generating W-2s. Is there anyway this description can be changed?

  • Munis
  • W-2 Processing

W-2 Code 14 Z - Fringe Benefits - Box 14 is a hardcoded description and cannot be changed.


W-2 code 14Z - Fringe Benefits - Box 14 is a hardcoded description and cannot be modified. User will need to select a different box 14 code that is user defined on the pay master record, and then key in the desired description when generating the W-2s.

  1. Access Pay Master: Payroll > Payroll Setup > Pay Master
  2. Search for the pay code
  3. Click Update, select a Box 14 code that is unoccupied that is user defined: 14R, 14S, 14T, 14U, 14W or 14X and click Accept

Enter the user defined description on the Health Savings/Box 14 tab of the W-2 create screen:

  1. Access W-2 Wizard: Payroll > W-2 and 1099-R Processing > W-2 Wizard
  2. Select step 3, Create 
  3. Select the Health Savings/Box 14 tab
  4. Locate the description field for the Box 14 code that was selected on the pay master and enter the user defined description
Additional Information