How to update Box 13 Retirement with an X on W-2s

Description of Issue

I am ready to print W-2s but would like for box 13 for retirement to show an X for employees using box 12G for 457. 

  • Munis
  • W-2 Wizard
  • Deduction and Benefit Master

The "X" is populated during the creation of W-2s. 


If W-2s cannot be re-generated, manual adjustments will need to be made on Employee W-2s or the Mass Update can be used. 

  1. Go to the Adjust step of the W-2 Wizard. (Payroll>W-2 and 1099-R Processing>W-2 Wizard. Click on Step 5. Adjust in the Menu.)
  2. Click Maintain W-2 Records. 
  3. Define the Search in a way that pulls only Employees who need the Retirement checked into the active set. (example, click Search, click on the Box 12 tab, click the drop down arrow and select G for 457b) Click Accept. 
  4. Click Mass Update in the menu. 
  5. Click Define. Choose Define option of Define/Clear Flags. 
  6. in the Define Clear Flags boxes choose a Flag of Retirement and Action of Define. Click Accept. Click Execute. 
Additional Information

Here is how box 13 is checked automatically for retirement:

  • Automatically for any employee who has deductions with W-2 Codes D, E, F, H, S or Y in the Deduction and Benefit Master.
  • If the "Report Retirement Plans Based on Deductions" check box was checked when creating the W-2 records and the employee has one of the defined deduction codes.
  • Selected automatically for employees that exist in New York Retirement with a tier other than zero.
  • Globally defined through the Mass Update option.
  • Manually adding it in the Adjust step of the W-2 Wizard or Employee W-2 and 1099-R program.