How to post a Time Entry batch to a second check in payroll

Description of Issue

Is there a way to make a Time Entry batch post to a second check in the payroll?

  • Munis
  • Time Entry
  • Payroll Start and Status
  • Earnings and Deductions 

  1. From within Time Entry (Payroll>Payroll Processing>Time Entry Processing>Time Entry) confirm the batch to be on a second check is the only batch available to move.
    • All batches have been verified/approved and moved into the payroll already, except the batch that needs to post to a second check.
    • All batches are not verified/approved, except the batch that needs to post to a second check..
  2. Once ready, click Move in the toolbar to move the single batch into the payroll.
  3. Click Define. 
  4. Update the Check field to 1 and define any other applicable information. Click Accept. Click Execute. 
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