GB Assess Late Fees [SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'CASE'

Description of Issue

Error running select in Assess Late Fees

General Billing Assess Late Fees [SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'CASE'

  • Munis
  • General Billing
  • Assess Late Fees
  • Accounts Receivable Charge Codes
  • Fees

Support identified a code defect that the Fee that is being applied and its Minimum and Maximum amounts being set to any amount but 0.00 will cause the program to error on the select process.



  1. Navigate to General or Property Revenues>Accounts Receivable>Setup>Accounts Receivable Charge Codes.
  2. Search for the Charge/Fee being applied in Assess Late Fees.
  3. Update the Fee Minimum and Maximum amounts both to 0.00. 
  4. Re-open the Assess Late Fees program and re-define the parameters.
  5. If any other errors or issues are encountered, please reach out to Munis Support.
Additional Information

Support wrote the defect up for Accounts Receivable Development review and will update this article when an MUN has been created to correct the issue.