How to Run a Partial Direct Deposit Reissue- Manual Void

Description of Issue

An employee had several direct deposit deductions for one check and one deposit was returned from the bank. I need to do a manual void and reissue. Also getting errors running the error report. 

  • Munis
  • Payroll Start and Status
  • Earnings and Deductions 
  1. Go to Payroll Start and Status (Human Resources/Payroll>Payroll>Payroll Processing>Payroll Start and Status).
  2. Click Start  in the Menu. Click Start again.
  3. Select the V-Void run type (just like you would do if you were processing a regular void). Define New Payroll Parameters. Click Return.
  4. Go into Earnings and Deductions. Click Add in the Ribbon.
  5. Define the Employee Number and Check Number (typically 0).
  6. When the Employee Add Parameters display, uncheck the checkboxes for Generate default pay and Generate default deductions.
    1. Add the pays/deductions in as needed, or leave the boxes checked and then adjust the pays/deductions within Earnings and Deductions. Either way is fine. 
  7. The next pop-up received is the option to enter a New Check/Advice #.
  8. Since this is creating a record for this void in Manual check Reconciliation, a value must be entered. It is suggested a number outside of the regular check/advice number ranges is used, such as 999999999.
  9. Once the employee has been added, Click the Pays tab.
  10. Click Add. Define the employee's base pay code and define the negative pay amount that was sent back from the bank.
  11. A second check will need to be added for the payment returned from the bank.
  12. Click Add in the Ribbon and define with Check number 1.
  13. The next pop-up received is the option to enter a New Check/Advice #. If you are issuing the check within the payroll, leave this field blank. Click Yes to No Check/Advice Number prompt. 
  14. Click the Pays tab. Click Add.
  15. Define the base pay and the positive pay amount that should offset the negative value from the first check. 
  16. No deductions will need to be added to this employee if this is a flat amount direct deposit payment that should be printed as a check. 
    1. If this should be issued as a direct deposit, click the Withholdings tab. Click Add. Define the Direct Deposit deduction and click Accept. 
    2. The gross should automatically populate and the amount should show in the Taken column. 
  17. The remaining steps of the payroll should be processed like any other regular void payroll.
  18. Due to the net impact of this scenario being zero, uncheck the GL Distribution Journal step as a mandatory step in Payroll Start and Status to complete the payroll. 
    1. Click Update. Uncheck checkbox next to GL Distribution Journal. 
  19. Go to Manual Check Reconciliation and set the status to C-Cleared and enter a Clear Date.
    1. Human Resources/Payroll>Payroll>End of Period>Check Reconciliation>Manual Check Reconciliation
    2. Click Search. Define the check number (999999999). Click Accept.
    3. Select Check Status of C-Cleared.
    4. Define Clear Date.

Additional Information

When there are no deductions in a payroll that has earnings, the warning W-Earnings W/No Fed Tax will display if the Error Report is run in the Earnings and Deductions Proof. In this case, the warning can be ignored.

Voiding Employee and Vendor Checks - Manual Void process begins on page 20.