Extra SIT Code showing on Employee W-2s

Extra SIT Code showing on Employee W-2s

Description of Issue

I am located in Virginia but we have a line with a gross amount for SIT-VT on all my employee W-2s. 

  • Munis
  • Employee W-2s
  • Employee Accumulators
  • Deduction and Benefit Master
  • Employee Deductions

Deduction 4050 for Unemployment is within the range for State Income Tax (4000-4999) so it will be referenced as SIT on the W-2s. 

  1. Go to the Employee W-2 and 1099-R program. (Payroll>W-2 and 1099-R Processing>Employee W-2 and 1099-R)
    1. If in the Wizard, go to Step 5 - Adjust and click on Maintain W-2 Records
  2. Click Search. Click Accept. Click Mass Update in the Menu. 
  3. Click Define. Select the Change code SIT Delete
  4. Choose Delete SIT Value. (In this scenario it was VT-Vermont
  5. Click Accept. Click Execute
  6. Click Return. SIT-VT codes will be removed from W-2s.
  7. Go to Deduction and Benefit Master. (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Deduction and Benefit Master)
  8. Search for incorrect deduction code. Click Accept. Click Update. Populate DO NOT USE  (or something similar) into the description. Click Accept
  9. Click Add to create a new code in the correct range (unemployment typically within 7000 range, but should be higher than 6000). Populate necessary fields. Click Accept
  10. Go to Employee Deductions. (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Deductions
  11. Search for Active Employees with the incorrect Deduction. 
    1. All employees using incorrect code will need that code deleted from their Employee Deduction record and the new corrected code will need to be added.
    2. This can be done manually or via the Employee Deduction Import. (See documentation on employee import in additional information)

If a payroll was already processed with a check date in 2020 you can still correct the accumulators so this issue does not occur for the 2020 W-2s. When processing the next payroll, put in a negative amount for the incorrect deduction code withholding from the first payroll and a positive amount with the new corrected deduction code to wash the amounts. Once the Employee Update is processed, it will update the accumulators to reference the correct code. 

Additional Information