Accrual Hierarchy Taking Time from Incorrect Accrual Type

Description of Issue

Accrual Hierarchy is not taking Used Time from the correct accrual type.

  • Munis
  • Accrual Tables

Once you have determined which Accrual Hierarchy to correct:

  1. Go to Munis Menu>Human Resources/Payroll>Payroll>Accrual Processing>Accrual Tables
  2. Click Search. Define Accrual Type and Table. Click Accept
  3. Navigate to Options Tab. Click Update. Click Hierarchy Folder
  4. Click Update. Correct defined Accrual Hierarchy List. Click Accept

If there are existing incorrect Earned or Used accrual history records, please use the Accrual History Import link below in Additional Information for instructions on D-Deleting and A-Adding accrual history records or manually add the records.


Circular Accrual Hierarchy was defined on each Accrual Table. This creates a loop and will not function correctly. Example: The Accrual Hierarchy for Accrual Type 2-Vacation, has Accrual Type 1-Sick defined and then on the Accrual Hierarchy for 1-Sick, Accrual Type 2-Vacation is defined.

Additional Information