How to check the Corrected checkbox for 1099-Rs

Description of Issue

I need to mark all the 1099-Rs as corrected.

  • Munis
  • Employee W-2 and 1099-R

  1. Go to Employee W-2 and 1099-R. (Payroll>W-2 and 1099-R Processing>Employee W-2 and 1099-R)
  2. Click Define. Define year. Click 1099R.
  3. Click Search and Accept to pull up all employees. Choose Mass Update in the menu. 
  4. Click Define. Select the Change Option of Define/Clear Flags. Choose the Flag Corrected and Action of Define. Click Execute. 
  5. Click Return. Click Search and Accept. All the employee check boxes for Corrected should now be checked. 
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