Where to find an unposted GEL journal

Where to find an unposted GEL journal

Description of Issue

Month End Manager is showing an unposted journal with source code GEL.

Where would an unposted encumbrance journal show?


Encumbrance Journal Entry/Proof

Month End Manager


The journal number link was not selected in Month End Manager or the link is not working.


To locate an unposted GEL journal, there are two options:

Financials> General Ledger Menu> Journal Entry/History> Encumbrance Journal Entry/Proof

In Encumbrance Journal Entry/Proof, click on Browse to see a list of unposted encumbrance journals.


Financials> General Ledger Menu> End of Period> Month End Manager

  1. In Month End Manager, select the number in the Unposted Journals column in the appropriate period.
  2. Click on Proof Journals.
  3. Select the GEL journal number to bring you to the journal in Encumbrance Journal Entry/Proof.

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