How to post the Budget Completion Journal

Description of Issue
  • Need to hard post budget
  • Closed the year and original budget does not show for the new year
  • How do I run Budget Completion Journal?

Budget Completion Journal

Year End Close



Before running Budget Completion Journal:

  1. Check the Budget Settings program.  The field 'Budget preparation for' needs to be the year that the budget completion journal needs to be posted to.
  2. Check Next Year Budget Entry to make sure final budget amounts are showing in the final level of the budget. NOTE: If you're not sure what the final level is, check budget levels in GL Settings.
  3. Close Current Fiscal Year and Open New Fiscal Year first or verify that those steps have already been run. NOTE: go into Journal Entry History > Journal Inquiry Print, in the Year field type in this year, in the Source field type in BUC and Click accept. If nothing pulls in then all current year projections need to be posted.

Next Steps and additional Notes;

  1. Have Train or Test refreshed from Live.
  2. No accounts should be included in more than one budget projection for the year.
  3. Test posting the Budget completion journal in Training or Test, verify the results and move onto Live when everything looks ok in Training or Test.
  4. If you have more than one budget projection, close out of Budget Completion Journal in between each budget projection, then re-open.
  5. Review the accounts in the Budget Projection, if there are accounts that have no Budget at the highest Level and will not get posted to, it is recommended to go to:
    1. Financials > General Ledger Menu > Set up chart of accounts > Account Master
    2. Click Search
    3. Type in the Account number(s)
    4. Click Accept
    5. Click Edit
    6. Uncheck the Budgetary Flag
    7. Click Accept
      • Then go to Financials > Budget Processing > Define Start Budget Projection
      • Click Search
      • Type in the Budget Projection Number
      • Click Accept
      • Click Master (this step should remove accounts from the projection that are not marked as Budgetary in Account Master)

Posting the Budget Completion Journal: NOTE: Before Posting a Budget Projection in Live, take a backup of Live.

General Ledger > End of Period > Fiscal Year End Processing> Budget Completion Journal

  1. Click Define and enter criteria.
  2. Click Accept. Wait for a message that processing has completed.
  3. Click Output/Post. Warnings are ok to proceed with and refer to accounts with zero amounts 
  4. Wait for the message that Output Post has completed.
  5. Go to MUNIS > Account Inquiry
    1. Review the accounts from the Budget Projection that was posted and verify that the original budget posted correctly. The YTD Budget Report can also be used to verify the budget posted correctly.

Additional Information