Error clicking Change Fiscal Period on Pcard statement - Open statements (those not converted or voided) for statement 'XXX' code are associated with POs...

Description of Issue

Error clicking Change Fiscal Period on Pcard statement - Open statements (those not converted or voided) for statement code 'XXX' are associated with POs. Statements tied to POs cannot have their fiscal period changed.



Purchase Card Statements 



Pcard transaction is tied to a PO and has already created a liquidation record - the fiscal period cannot be changed

  • If Pcard Statement is status NEW:
    • Void the statement
    • Reimport the statement to the correct fiscal period
  • If Pcard Statement is status RELEASED or above:
    • Approve the statement
    • Convert the statement
    • Delete the converted invoices in Invoice Entry
    • Reimport the statement to the correct fiscal period
Additional Information