ACA Period Record Synchronize

ACA Period Record Synchronize

Description of Issue

How do we run the Synchronize for the ACA Period Records?

  • Affordable Care Act Report
  • ACA Period Records
  • Synchronize


  1. Navigate to the program ACA Period Records.
    • Human Resources/Payroll > Payroll > 1095-B/C Processing > Affordable Care Act > ACA Period Records
  2. Search for the records you wish to run through the synchronize to build your active set of records.
  3. Click Synchronize in the ribbon.
  4. Click Define to update the record.
  5. Click the Coveraged Offered flag.
  6. Set the Year value.
  7. Set the options for the Coverage Dates.
  8. Define the list of applicable deduction codes.
  9. Click Accept to save the record.
  10. Click Synchronize to execute the process.
  11. Review the proof report for accuracy.
Additional Information

Please review the Master Article - Affordable Care Act Year End Reporting for all related topics.