How to calculate a Mass Contract Change percentage increase by Mid Rate from Job

Description of Issue

We are using the 'mid rate' option when applying a 2% mass contract change and it does not appear to be calculating correctly.

  • Munis
  • Mass Contract Changes
  • Employee Job/Salary


How to calculate the Mass Contract Change with a change option of 3-Percentage Increase/Decrease with a percentage rate of Mid Rate from Job:

  1. Go to Job Class Master. (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Job Class Master)
  2. Search for the Job Class Code of an example employee receiving the percentage increase. Click Accept. Click the Salary Data Tab. Note the amount in the Mid Rate field. (example 499.9950)
  3. If the Mass Salary Change is for a 2% increase/decrease, apply the 2% to the mid year rate. (499.9950*2%=9.9991)
  4. When looking at the Mass Contract Change proof report, note the example employee's Prior Rate amount and add the 2% mid year rate to that amount to get the new rate. (429.17+9.9991=439.17)
  5. Go to Employee Job/Salary. (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Job/Salary) 
  6. Search for the example employee. Click Accept. Note the Calc Code on the base pay record. (Example Calc Code 33-Daily Rate)
  7. Take the new rate and multiply it by the amount in the Days/Year field referenced on the base pay record to get the projected annual salary. (439.17*220=96,917.40)
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