W-2 Box 14s missing descriptions

W-2 Box 14s missing descriptions

Description of Issue

Our box 14s on our W-2s are missing the descriptions.

  • Munis
  • W-2 Processing

Box 14 descriptions were not defined when generating W-2s.


Utilize the Mass Update function to populate the desired box 14 descriptions.

  1.  Access Employee W-2s and 1099-Rs: Payroll > W-2 and 1099-R Processing > Employee W-2 and 1099-R
  2. Search the desired records that require a box 14 update (may need to use the Advanced Find function)
  3. Once you have your find set click Mass Update in the ribbon
  4. Click Define, select Box 14 from the Change drop-down menu
  5. Select the desired Box 14 Code, TAB into the New Description field and enter your new description
  6. Click Accept, click Execute
  7. Click Yes to the Change Box 14 prompt
Additional Information