How to copy Enrollment Campaigns in Enrollment Campaign Manager

How to copy Enrollment Campaigns in Enrollment Campaign Manager

Description of Issue
  • We recently upgrade to 2019.1 and we are unsure how to copy our benefit enrollment setup into the new year in the Enrollment Campaign Manager
  • Munis
  • Benefits Enrollment
  • 2019.1 and newer versions
  • Enrollment Campaign Manager
  • Informational/How-to
  • User would like to copy enrollment setup to the new benefit year
  • To start you must have access to the program Enrollment Campaign Manager
    • Menu → Human Capital Management → Human Resources → Benefits Administration → Benefits Enrollment → Enrollment Campaign Manager

  1. Navigate to the program Enrollment Campaign Manager
  2. Click Search and locate the campaign you wish to copy from
  3. Once found, select Copy in the toolbar
  4. Choose for the Copy Type either
    1. Use Below Parameter - This will allow you to custom assign the code, description, and dates
    2. Increment One Year - This will copy the existing code, description, and dates and push the year value of the date forward by one year
  5. Once set, select Accept to proceed
  6. Review the copy preview and select either Yes to proceed or No to return to the copy page
Additional Information
  • Please reach out to Munis Human Resources Support with any additional questions