Journal Import pre-edit error 'Invalid date format. Expecting 'yyyymmdd' - Jonas file layout

Description of Issue

Journal Import pre-edit error "Invalid date format. Expecting "yyyymmdd" when using the Jonas format


Import Journal

Jonas File Layout


The effective date format defaults to "mmddyyyy' and cannot be changed

  • Work ticket MUN-371738 has been released by Development to address the issue
  • A temporary work around would be to change the date format to yyyymmdd in the file
Additional Information

Jonas Format.  This is a tab-delimited file.

    Column          Data

  1.                  “GLD”-not used
  2.                  Company Code –not used
  3.                  GL Account – need to use account cross-reference table
  4.                  Department –not used
  5.                  Sub-account –not used
  6.                  Date yyyymmdd
  7.                  Unique key –not used
  8.                  Reference –not used
  9.                  Description
  10.                  Amount
  11.                  Audit journal –not used
  12.                  Transfer flag –not used
  13.                  Po # -not used
  14.                  Created by –not used
  15.                  Drill down # -not used