Journal Reversal will not allow selection of a GEN journal

Description of Issue
  • Journal Reversal select of GEN results in error "This journal type can not be processed"
  • Site can normally reverse GEN without error why is this different?
  • Munis
  • Journal Reversal
  • Student Activities
  • Student Activity Adjustment (GEN) cannot and should not be reversed outside of Cash Adjustments program
  • GEN journal has REF1 "SA ADJ" listed on the Revenue Control Account line.
  • Review GEN Journal Details to identify why the specific GEN is different than others when reversing
    1. Browse to Munis > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Journal Entry/History > Journal Inquiry/Print
    2. Search suspect GEN journal and review detail line REF fields
      1. Munis generated REF fields are in upper case alpha-characters
      2. Revenue Control auto generated journal detail lines REF1 "SA ADJ" indicates a Student Activity Cash Adjustment journal
  • How to reverse a Student Activity Adjustment GEN journal
Additional Information
  • Do not use Journal Reversal (GRV), Journal Import (GNI) General Journal Entry/Proof or Accounting Entries (GEN) to reverse Student Activity Cash Adjustment
  • Work ticket MUN-392119 has been created to generate a more informative message that indicates the 'GEN' journal is tied to a Student Activity Adjustment