Unable to Allocate a Partial Payment

Unable to Allocate a Partial Payment

Description of Issue

When taking a partial payment in payment entry I am unable to allocate payments but a coworker can.

Payment Entry will not allow overpayment

Payment Entry will not let users allocate partial or overpayments

  • Munis
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Payment Entry
  • User Preferences

In this scenario Munis by default, has this box is unchecked in Accounts Receivables User Preferences and a user will not be able to allocate or distribute amounts manually when taking a partial payment or taking an overpayment

  1. Navigate to General Revenues>Accounts Receivable>Setup>Accounts Receivable User Preferences
  2. Click Search
  3. Enter the User Code (User Name).
  4. Click Accept.
  5. Under the General Options tab, which will open by default.
  6. Click Update 
  7. Enable the check box in the field that says Display charge detail distribution when accepting partial or overpayments
  8. Click Accept
  9. The user should now re-open Payment Entry to re-take the partial or overpayment and Munis will then prompt the user after the amount is entered of where to allocate the funds.

If more errors or other issues arise, please submit a case with Munis Support. 

Additional Information