Spooled receipt file is blank

Spooled receipt file is blank

Description of Issue

Spooled payment receipt data file is blank

  • Munis
  • Receipts
  • Dup Receipt
  • Accounts Receivable Settings

Sites that might not use TylerForms or ReadyForms will see Payment Receipt files print or produce a blank record when printing. There are also times when sites or support need to gather a Payment Receipt data file for TylerForms Design, and when spooling the data file it comes out blank or displays no data. This is due to Payment Entry Options - Receipt Type is set to '2-Munis standard without images' and needs to be 1-Munis standard with images.

  1. Navigate to General or Property Revenues>Accounts Receivable>Setup>Accounts Receivable Settings>Payments>Payment Entry Options>Receipt Type.
  2. Click Update.
  3. Click the Receipt Type drop down and change it to 1 - Munis standard with images.
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