Invoice Entry and Proof report UNAPPR error
Invoice Entry and Proof report UNAPPR error
Description of Issue
GB Invoice Entry and proof report UNAPPR error
Invoice Entry and Proof UNAPPR error
Error updating invoice workflow status: -244
- Munis
- General Billing
- Invoice Entry and Proof report
- Genero Web Client
- 11.3
- 11.2
Confirm there is no workflow setup for GBI or GBA in the Workflow Business Rules program. If there are not any with the effected user(s), please continue to use the resolution steps.
- The affected user should clear both their browser cache, clear the stored table settings within Munis then close and restart the browser.
- To clear stored table settings in Munis, please open any Munis program.
- Click Tyler's tumbling T logo in the upper left hand corner, click settings and click cleared stored table settings.
- Please close and re-open your browser for the changes to fully take effect.
- The user(s) should no longer receive the UNAPPR error on the Invoice Entry and Proof Report.
Additional Information