Payroll Exceptions are not calculating with HSA
Payroll Exceptions are not calculating with HSA
Description of Issue
The Payroll Exceptions do not appear to be taking into consideration the employee's HSA direct deposit deduction.
- Munis
- Payroll Processing
- Deduction and Benefit Master
- Payroll Exceptions
The HSA Deduction was setup as a direct deposit with the 'Credit Emp Acct via ACH' check box. The deduction still had the prenote flag enabled for the test payroll and was not being taken. Therefore the Deduction Gross on the FICA deduction did not seem to be calculating correctly.
- Navigate to the Employee Deductions program (Human Capital Management >Payroll >Employee Maintenance>Employee Deductions)
- Search for the deduction code
- Update the deduction
- Uncheck the Prenote checkbox
- Click Accept to save the record
- Navigate to the Payroll Warrant (Human Capital Management >Payroll >Payroll Processing>Payroll Start and Status)
- Search for the Payroll Warrant
- If not already the current payroll, Click Change to activate the payroll
- Open the Payroll Earnings and Deductions program
- Search for the employee in question
- Navigate to the Withholding tab and click Update
- Delete the deduction code, click Accept to save
- Click Add and type in the same deduction code that was deleted
- Click Accept to save the changes
- Confirm that the calculations are correct
Additional Information