Longevity and Experience Report

Longevity and Experience Report

Description of Issue

I would like to run a report that will show longevity pay amounts that are due for November, and a longevity report to show longevity pay changes.

  • Payroll
  • Longevity
  • Service Date
  • Longevity and Experience Report


Navigate your Tyler Menu to: Human Resources/Payroll > Human Resources > Employee Job/Pay Classification > Longevity and Experience Report.

  1. Click Define
  2. Enable either Longevity Pay Amounts, or Pay Changes (Do not enable Automatic Update if you do not wish to update longevity amounts)
  3. In the Month/Day Anniversary ranges define the anniversary dates you wish to include as eligible for this report (01/01 - 12/31)
  4. Define the longevity pay codes to include on the report in the Longevity Pay Type ranges
  5. Define the Effective Date as the day you want Munis to calculate an employee's longevity as of a certain date. This is typically the day it will be paid
  6. Define any Location, Org, Job Class, or Group/BU ranges that are eligible for this report
  7. Click Output Post, or PDF in the ribbon to produce the report
Additional Information

Longevity Pay Amounts: Will pull in all employees regardless of whether there will be a change to the rate or not. For example, the Automatic Update option is being used and the Effective Date will still be updated in Employee Job/Salary for all employees regardless of whether they are changing service levels or not.

Longevity Pay Changes: Will pull in only employees who will be receiving a new rate based on the defined Longevity Date. 

How to Add a Longevity Table and Reporting