How to Update Payment Method on a Payment Receipt

How to Update Payment Method on a Payment Receipt

Description of Issue

Looking to change the Payment Method on a payment receipt. 

  • Update or change a payment method
  • Update or change tender type on a payment receipt
  • Wrong or incorrect payment method
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Receipts
  • Receipt Inquiry
  • Payment Methods

Incorrect Payment Method assigned to a payment receipt.


The Payment Method is recorded on the payment receipt at the time of entry and cannot be changed after the fact as of version 2017.1 and up. In order to maintain a proper audit, the correct procedure to change the Tender type or Payment Method, is to reverse and re-enter the payment with the correct Payment Method selected. 

Additional Information

In version 11.3 and prior, any user who had access to the Receipts program, could look up any receipt, click Update, and change the Payment Method. Since this can introduce a security risk, to restrict users from updating Payment Methods, sites can use Menu Security to remove the Receipts program from a users menu and recommend users utilize Receipt Inquiry moving forward.

  1. Navigate to System Administration>Security>Roles.
  2. Search on the role(s) that provide Accounts Receivable Permissions and Security.
  3. Click the Menu Security tab.
  4. Navigate into any areas of the roles Menu Security where Receipts is enabled and disable the access by un-checking the box. 
  5. Remember that Receipts is located in more then one area of the menu tree and that users will generally have more then one role with access to this program. 
  6. Once this is completed, let your users know to begin using the Receipts Inquiry program.

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