Closing Current ACFR Fiscal Year and Opening New ACFR Fiscal Year

Description of Issue

Closing ACFR Fiscal Year & Opening New ACFR Fiscal Year

  • ACFR
  • Fiscal Year Close/Open
  • Site has completed all work in ACFR for the Fiscal Year and ready for the next
  • Site purged all ACFR information from current year and set year back to prior year
  • Site purged wrong ACFR prior year and restore from backup is not an option
  1. Select Year End Closing
  2. Choose Set Balance Sheet Beginning Balance to Zero option when Closing ACFR Fiscal Year
  3. Select Close Year
  4. Select YES on the Perform year end closing for XXXX
  5. The process takes several minutes to complete.  Do not cancel or interrupt the process once started.
  6. Select OK to continue.  Year is now closed in ACFR and Year advanced to the new Year.