Override Beginning Balances option ACFR Import

Override Beginning Balances option ACFR Import

Description of Issue

Should sites use the ACFR Import option Override Beginning Balances option?

  • Munis
  • New World
  • ACFR Statement Builder

Site is about to import a ACFR fiscal year and is unsure of the options to select

  • Select the Retain beginning balances field, to retain the beginning balance for Asset, Liability, and Fund Balance accounts. The ending balances for the new year will continue to be updated by the value in the import file. Revenue and Expenditure Ending Balances are not impacted by this setting, they are always updated.Before importing balances using the Retain beginning balances option, you must navigate to the Year End Closing page and select the Move Balance Sheet Ending Balance to Beginning Balance option to use the current year's ending balance as the beginning balance for the new year. If this option is not set, your beginning balances will be set to zero.
  • Select the Override beginning balances field to update all beginning and ending balance amounts for the new year with the values in the import file.