Add CRM Portal Super User

Description of Issue
  • Upgrade portal access to superuser to view all cases for a site
  • Super User access
  • Please give access to see all tickets
  • Make user a super user
  • Elevate visibility of support cases
  • Ability to see all cases in the portal
  • Need to see all support cases for my site
  • Client Support
  • Online Support Incidents

By default, portal users have standard access and can only view cases submitted in their own name.

  • Contact the Portal Admin at your site to grant super user portal user role permissions.
  • Contact support team for further assistance.
Additional Information
  • After upgrading a portal user role to super user, ask the user to find and close the support case where the request was made.
    • This verifies the upgrade to super user was successful.
    • This allows the newly promoted portal user to work with a case in a comfortable way.
    • If the request was executed locally by a site portal admin and there is no support case, ask the user to find a case you know is in the portal and not listed with the user as the primary contact.
  • Please review our Master Article - Client Support for similar topics.