Insurance Pricing not updating in ESS for Open Enrollment

Description of Issue

Entered the new pricing in Insurance Premiums. The effective date of the new pricing is 7/01/2024 which is the effective date entered in the Campaign Manager, but the old rates are showing when Open Enrollment is generated.

  • Enterprise ERP 

  • Human Capital Management

  • Human Resources

  • Benefits Administration


The issue is due to the records in Employee Benefits Enrollment for the previous year campaign were all set to Approved and not Posted.


Build Current Campaign Elections on the previous campaign in Employee Benefits Enrollment.

  1. Navigate to the program Employee Benefits Enrollment

    • Menu > Human Capital Management > Benefits Administration > Benefits Enrollment > Employee Benefits Enrollment

  2. Select Generate Options in the toolbar

  3. Select Search and define the Campaign Code field with the campaign you wish to generate for

  4. Click Accept to lock in your campaign

  5. Select Define to access the fields for the Options Criteria area

  6. Choose the option Build Current Campaign Elections for the field Generate Type

  7. Choose either Individual Employee or All in the field Create By

    1. If you choose Individual Employee you will need to enter the Employee Number in the field Employee

  8. Select Accept to lock in your choices

  9. Click Create Options to execute

    • Please note, errors may occur depending on setup, as a rule we suggest to say Yes to all prompts given

    • This process can be rerun as many times as desired to recreate error reports to later review

Additional Information

Please reach out to EERP HR Support with any additional questions