ERROR EXECUTING THE SQL STATEMENT selectBillLineIdFromAdjustment when running Update Bill Accounts

Description of Issue

Receive the error message: Error creating Adjustments; records already processed will be voided. Check System Log for details. ERROR EXECUTING THE SQL STATEMENT selectBillLineIdFromAdjustment. when attempting to run Update Bill Accounts. 

  • Accounts Receivable
  • Update Bill Accounts 
  • Charge Codes (archgmnt)

The cause of this issue is unclear at this time. 


Development is researching this issue. There is no workaround at this time. 

This error does not occur for every charge and every year, but seems to happen to select charges in select years, indicating that it is likely caused by some underlying data condition. 

Additional Information

For updates, please contact the appropriate Accounts Receivable Support Team: How to determine the correct Accounts Receivable support team to assist with an issue