Report of Outstanding Receivables by Charge Code

Description of Issue
  • Need a report of outstanding receivables for specific Charge Codes.

  • Need a report of past-due bills for specific categories.

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Inquiries and Reports

  • Aging Report

  • Collector's Report

  • Accounts Receivable Outstanding Bills Report



  1. Search or follow the path: General Revenues > Accounts Receivable > Inquiries and Reports > Aging Report or Collector's Report

  2. Click Define on the toolbar.

  3. Fill out the criteria as needed to target the desired records:

    1. For details on each criteria, click the Question Mark button in the top-right, then click Help.

    2. Click the link for which Report is being used.

  4. Under the Bills with Specific Charges section, establish a Charge Code range or check the box for Individual charge codes.

    1. If using Individual charge codes, it will open the Charge Code Chooser screen.

    2. Click Add on the toolbar to choose a specific Charge Code to target.

    3. Repeat this for each Charge Code needed. When finished, click Back.

    4. Check the Display only selected charges and/or groups in report box to exclude any charges not in the Individual charge codes selection.

      1. If not checked, ALL Charge Codes and totals from matching bills will be included in the report.

  5. When finished Defining criteria, click Select on the toolbar.

  6. Click Output and chose the corresponding option or Excel from the toolbar to view the report.

Additional Information

For additional assistance please contact General Billing Support.