Former Employee Access - Registration Error Account locked due to multiple failed registration attempts please contact an administrator

Description of Issue

Upon login to Former Employee Access, user receives the error Registration Error Account locked due to multiple failed registration attempts. Please contact an administrator.

  • Former Employee Access

  • Retiree Access

  • Tyler Identity-C

  • TID-C

  • The first name, last name, or email on the account does not match with the information defined in EERP Employee Master.

  • Technical issue during initial registration. 


Have the end users take the following steps on the Launcher page for Retiree Access - 

  1. Go to the URL ending in portal/launcher or portal/citizen/dashboard

  2. Sign In in the upper right corner

  3. Click on the User Initials in the upper right corner of the Launcher page and select Profile

  4. Once in the Account Profile - Home > Privacy Settings

  5. Click the Account tab

  6. Click Delete for the profile

  7. Clear cache, or use an Incognito or Private browser to re-create the account

Additional Information
  1. Note that when you are registering the new account, the name that you register with must match what is on the corresponding Employee Master record in EERP. For instance, if their name is Christopher in EERP, they would need to be registered as Christopher rather then Chris.

  2. For related issues, see below. 

    1. An employee could not be found using the provided credentials error message when attempting to register for Employee Access

  3. Please reach out to EERP Human Resources Support with additional questions.