Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint UQ AccountsReceivableTenderCashAccountsTenderIdGeneralLedgerAccountIdReceiptLineAmountId

Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint UQ AccountsReceivableTenderCashAccountsTenderIdGeneralLedgerAccountIdReceiptLineAmountId

Description of Issue

Users are trying to Output and Release a Payment Entry batch, but receive the error message of [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Violation of UNIQUE KEY
constraint 'UQ_AccountsReceivable.TenderCashAccounts.TenderId.GeneralLedgerAccountId.ReceiptInstLineAmountId'.
Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'AccountsReceivable.TenderCashAccounts'. The duplicate key value is.


  • Payment Entry 

  • Lockbox


A receipt was not able to complete due to connection with the server and or Munis and will need to either be completed or canceled and voided. 


Navigate to Property Revenues > Payment Processing > Payment Entry 

  1. Click Search and type in Batch Number 

  2. Click View-Rev

  3. Filter the Complete? column so receipts with N are at the top

  4. Click Accept 

  5. Click the Complete Transaction, if this does not work, click Cancel Transaction 

  6. Repeat process depending on how many receipts were not complete 

  7. Click Back 

  8. Click Output-Rel

Additional Information