Unable to access Tyler SharePoint link sent to me
Unable to access Tyler SharePoint link sent to me
Description of Issue
- That didn't work. We're sorry, but XXX@XXX.com can't be found in the tylertech.sharepoint.com directory. Please try again later, while we try to automatically fix this for you.
- A coworker emailed a Tyler document or video link, but I'm being prompted to sign in to Tyler Tech's SharePoint to view it
- I'm trying to follow a link from my supervisor to the SharePoint site with KnowledgeBase. I used to be able to get into it, but now it's giving me an error.
- Client Resources
- Shared links to Tyler SharePoint resources
- URL Defense
Link was modified by URL Defense or a similar process.
- The modifications to the link made by URL defense will need to be undone, either manually, or by adjusting URL Defense settings with local IT.
- Alternatively, the link can be obtained directly from the source, which can be provided by the internal sender
- If you have the document title, you can search for the document in Tyler Search.
Additional Information
The URL Defense process has been seen to modify links and amend them with prefix/suffix values that disrupt the Tyler SharePoint links. Client-facing documentation from Client Resources does not require a SharePoint login.