Accrued Expense Payroll Last Check Amount is Too High

Accrued Expense Payroll Last Check Amount is Too High

Description of Issue

In an Accrued Expense Payroll, generated checks one through four. Check four Pay Amount is pulling full Remaining Amount from Employee Job Salary and is too high.

  • Payroll

  • Accrued Expense

  • Payroll Start and Status

  • Generate Earnings and Deductions


In Payroll> Payroll Start and Status> Generate Earnings and Deductions, the Generate Records were Added and Executed individually, not all at once. 

  1. In Payroll>Payroll Processing>Payroll Start and Status, go into Generate Earnings and Deductions.

  2.  Add records for each Generate Period

  3. In Generate Earnings and Deductions, on each Generate Record check box Decrement Remaining Pays 

  4. Click Execute one time to Execute all Records at once, do not Execute Records individually

Additional Information