Contract Credit Amount from an Invoice Void increases a Contract Line Available Amount

Description of Issue

An Invoice from a prior year (which was against a Contract) was voided in the new, now current year, and the Contract line shows a Credit Amount and the Available Amount for the line has now increased, but the Revised Amount cannot be reduced by that available amount.

  • Munis EERP

  • Contact Management

  • Contract Credit amounts


Instructional / New functionality


The issue described is current functionality:

  • When an Invoice from Prior Year is voided in Current Year against a Contract line, a Credit Amount is placed on the Contract Line.

  • The prior-year Contract line is not touched, and the current-year Expended amount is not touched. Only the Credit Amount is applied, which also increases the Contract line's Available Amount.

  • This is not an Available amount that can be reduced by a Contract Change order reducing the line's Revised Amount. It's an Available amount that can be consumed by further invoices against that Contract Line. 

  • When the Contract is eventually rolled to next year, if the Available amount has not been consumed by further invoices, the Credit Amount rolls forward, reducing the Available Amount of the line to $0.00

Additional Information