Apply Late Fees is only applying percent amount when fee charge code is set to Calc Code 68 in version 2024

Description of Issue

Apply late fees is only applying percent and not flat amount + percent 

  • EERP

  • Utility Billing CIS

  • Apply Late Fees

  • Version 2024.1

  • Calc Code 68




Install MUN-487279 when available.

Additional Information

Late fee charge codes set up using Calc Code 68 should apply a fee that is calcuated based on the base fee amount + the percent amount set.

Example: Delinquent bill amount due is $100.00 and Fee charge code is set with a base amount of $5.00 and a percent amount of 10%, fee calulated should be $5.00 + (100 x .1) total fee would be 5+10 = $15.00

Reported issue is Apply Late Fees is only applying the percent amount of $10.00