Charge Code Report

Charge Code Report

Description of Issue
  • Is there a report that matches Charge Codes to their GL Accounts?

  • Need a report that will provide a list of all Charge Codes by Category.

  • Accounts Receivable Charge Codes (archgmnt)

  • Payment Processing

  • Inquiries and Reports



  1. Navigate to General Revenues > Payment Processing > Site Specific Processes > Boxford Accounts Receivable Charge Code Report

  2. Click Define on the toolbar

    1. Enter the Year to run the report for

    2. Narrow down by AR Category and Department using the dropdowns if desired

  3. Click Select on the toolbar. The program will display how many Charge Codes were selected

  4. Click Output and choose the desired output method

    1. Click Ok

Additional Information
  • The available Output methods built into this program are Print, Save (to spool directory), PDF, or Display (in a new browser tab).

  • An alternative to this program is to perform a Search in Accounts Receivable Charge Codes, then to send the find-set to an Excel Spreadsheet using the Excel toolbar option.

  • Additional resources for working in the Charge Codes program can be found here: Master Article - Charge Codes