All employees not updating when generating Build Current Campaign Elections

Description of Issue

All employee records not updating in Employee Benefits Enrollment when generating Build Current Campaign Elections

  • Enterprise ERP

  • Human Capital Management

  • Human Resources

  • Benefits Administration


The Hired Before date on the Enrollment Campaign is set to a prior date which is causing new hires and employees with changes to their Hired Date that is after the date listed, not to update when Building Current Campaign Elections

  1. Navigate to Enterprise ERP>Human Capital Management>Human Resources>Benefits Administration>Benefits Enrollment>Enrollment Campaign Manager

  2. Search for the current campaign

  3. Click Update

  4. Update the Hired Before Date (You can make the Hired Before Date the same date as your campaign end date to ensure that all employees pull in for that campaign)

  5. Click Accept

Additional Information

Please reach out to Human Resource support with any additional questions.